¿Por qué deberÃa importarnos?
La capacidad de SCS para brindar una educación equitativa y de calidad se ve socavada por la alta rotación de docentes y las vacantes docentes de un año, asà como por las importantes deficiencias de mantenimiento dentro de las escuelas, todo lo cual conduce a mayores costos financieros, educativos y de salud. La falta de acceso a servicios integrales proporcionados por trabajadores sociales, psicólogos y enfermeras calificados inhibe el tratamiento exitoso del trauma o las Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia (ACE). El abuso, la negligencia y el trauma aumentan significativamente la probabilidad de suspensiones, comportamiento delictivo juvenil y encarcelamiento. Con una mediana de edad cuatro años por debajo del promedio nacional, la población de Memphis puede apoyar el desarrollo económico, pero solo si brindamos a los niños de nuestra comunidad acceso a oportunidades y apoyo.
Equipping people of faith and goodwill to organize communities for systemic change through collective action.
Marco McNeil
TN Faith Organizer
Reverend McNeil is the fourth child born to Ms. Fannie McNeil. He was born in
Cleveland, OH and there he received his elementary education from St. Joseph in Collingwood and the Euclid School District before graduating from Glenville High Senior School. He has studied at Charlotte Christian College and Theological Seminary (formally New Life Theological Seminary) in Charlotte, NC. He is a Master of Divinity graduate of the Samuel Dewitt Procter School of Theology at Virginia Union University.
Since his early youth, Rev. McNeil has always been in the ministry of the church. At Starlight Missionary Baptist Church, in East Cleveland, Ohio he was licensed to preach the Gospel and has done so by remaining relevant, preaching with spiritual power while keeping academic integrity and keeping Jesus Christ at the center. As a student of the African American Preaching Tradition and Practical Theology he contributes his preaching formation to his spiritual father Dr. Peter M. Wherry as well as other mentors such as, Dr. John W. Kinney, Dr. James Henry Harris and Dr. Charles Gilcrest Adams.
While in Charlotte, God has continued to open many doors for Rev. McNeil. He has served as Administrative Assistant to the Sr. Pastor and Minister of Youth at Mayfield Memorial Missionary Baptist Church; he has served as Regional Chaplain of the Ohio Valley Region of Iota Phi Theta Fraternity Inc. serving over 4,000 men in the states of Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia from 2009 - 2015. Also, in 2015 Rev. McNeil was accepted as a Clinical Pastoral Intern for the Department of Veteran Affairs Medical Center in Salisbury, North Carolina in which he completed in May 2016. In 2017, he was selected as one of the Emerging Preachers by the Cleveland Baptist Association/ American Baptist Churches. He will serve as a Resident Mentor in the STREAM Youth Theology Institute in July 2017, serving some of the brightest teen theological minds in the country. Rev. McNeil currently serves as the Director of Ministry at Chappell Memorial Baptist Church.
In July 2017 Rev. McNeil will celebrate six years of marriage to the educated and lovely Mrs. Briana McNeil (formerly Nickols). They are the grateful parents of two children, Jamari A. & Marco, Jr. (Deuce.) The McNeil’s describe themselves as a ministry team prepared to do the work of the Lord.