¿Por qué deberÃa importarnos?
La capacidad de SCS para brindar una educación equitativa y de calidad se ve socavada por la alta rotación de docentes y las vacantes docentes de un año, asà como por las importantes deficiencias de mantenimiento dentro de las escuelas, todo lo cual conduce a mayores costos financieros, educativos y de salud. La falta de acceso a servicios integrales proporcionados por trabajadores sociales, psicólogos y enfermeras calificados inhibe el tratamiento exitoso del trauma o las Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia (ACE). El abuso, la negligencia y el trauma aumentan significativamente la probabilidad de suspensiones, comportamiento delictivo juvenil y encarcelamiento. Con una mediana de edad cuatro años por debajo del promedio nacional, la población de Memphis puede apoyar el desarrollo económico, pero solo si brindamos a los niños de nuestra comunidad acceso a oportunidades y apoyo.
Equipping people of faith and goodwill to organize communities for systemic change through collective action.
Work With Us!
Executive Director
Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope (MICAH) equips people of faith
and goodwill to organize communities for systemic change through collective
action. MICAH is a coalition of faith, labor, and community organizations
partnering for power and acting for equity in Memphis and Shelby County. We are
an “organization of organizations,” joining together to give a more powerful voice
for issues of justice--guided by our shared faith and values.
We seek a MICAH Executive Director to mobilize and lead the MICAH mission in
action and build the power of the organization using the Gamaliel methodology of
organizing people and organizing money.
Interested candidates, please email your resume to HR@micahmemphis.org
MICAH is searching for a talented and hard-working individual to fill the role of Administrator. Successful candidates for this position must be organized, adaptable, responsive, and resourceful–working well within diverse teams. The Administrator will provide administrative support for the staff, working in collaboration with MICAH leaders and teams as well. View the full job description at the link below. Interested candidates, please email your resume to Lisa Moore at lisamoore@micahmemphis.org.
*Application deadline extended*