¿Por qué deberÃa importarnos?
La capacidad de SCS para brindar una educación equitativa y de calidad se ve socavada por la alta rotación de docentes y las vacantes docentes de un año, asà como por las importantes deficiencias de mantenimiento dentro de las escuelas, todo lo cual conduce a mayores costos financieros, educativos y de salud. La falta de acceso a servicios integrales proporcionados por trabajadores sociales, psicólogos y enfermeras calificados inhibe el tratamiento exitoso del trauma o las Experiencias Adversas en la Infancia (ACE). El abuso, la negligencia y el trauma aumentan significativamente la probabilidad de suspensiones, comportamiento delictivo juvenil y encarcelamiento. Con una mediana de edad cuatro años por debajo del promedio nacional, la población de Memphis puede apoyar el desarrollo económico, pero solo si brindamos a los niños de nuestra comunidad acceso a oportunidades y apoyo.
Equipping people of faith and goodwill to organize communities for systemic change through collective action.
MICAH's 6th Annual Public Meeting
¡Aprenda más acerca de nosotros!
Power: Organized People and Organized Money
Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action & Hope (MICAH Memphis) has committed itself to be an organization of hope and action. With over 70 recurring monthly donors, 92 partnered organizations, and a partnership with a globally recognized foundation, MICAH continuously showcases its work both internally and externally. Occurring on the 27th of August, 2023 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at New Sardis Baptist Church, MICAH's 6th Annual Public Meeting is our biggest action of the year. Students volunteer with us, organizations reach out to us, and lawmakers and politicians are part of our forums. The Public Meeting is our biggest action of the year, and if you believe the PEOPLE should hold the POWER in our city, get registered today!!!
This is What the Powerful Look Like
MICAH's Annual Public Meeting occurs each year with the goal of engaging the broader community of Memphis and Shelby County in the work MICAH is doing in a distinct moment. The Public Meeting shows a “slice” of our current work. This year's Annual Public Meeting will be a Municipal Election Candidate Forum with topics relating to education equity, economic equity, and race & class equity in the justice system.